Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are funded to support the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

A key objective is for PHNs to bring greater awareness to residential aged care homes (RACHs) about the after-hours services provided by general practitioners and other health professionals.

These services can reduce hospital presentations for RACH residents, through providing appropriate care in the facility.

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network and South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network have developed an after-hours toolkit, comprising 5 key resources to support RACHs in the after-hours period. These are intended to better prepare staff to identify which after-hours service is best to access depending on the nature of the incident.

Enhanced after-hours support for residential aged care homes 

After-hours action planning 

RACH residents can experience deterioration in their health during the after-hours period (defined as outside regular hours, ie the night time period and weekends), but immediately transfer to hospital is not always clinically necessary. Lack of awareness and utilisation of out of hours service provided by general practitioners (GPs) and other health professionals may result in unnecessary hospital presentations. 

PHNs received funding to support the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. A key objective is for PHNs to bring greater awareness to RACHs about the after-hours services provided by GPs and other health professionals. These services can reduce hospital presentations for RACH residents, through providing appropriate care in the facility. 

To assist RACHs to implement and maintain an after-hours action plan, a toolkit has been developed, comprising 5 key resources to support RACHs in the after-hours period. 

How to use the after-hours toolkit

The after-hours toolkit has been developed following consultations with RACHs in metropolitan Melbourne about how to support after-hours processes in facilities to reduce emergency presentations.

The toolkit guide has instructions to help RACHs understand the importance of after-hours action planning, where to find after-hours resources, and how to use and keep them up to date.

Access the toolkit guide here

After-Hours Action Planning Audit Tool

Helps assess your RACHs preparedness for the after-hours period as it relates to residents, systems and documentation, doing this audit every 12 months is recommended

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Medical Support Checklist

This tool is a checklist, based on the ISBAR communication tool, to aid staff when a resident is unwell and support is required.

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After-Hours Service Directory

This assists staff to identify services available in the after-hours period.

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Person-Centred After-Hours Action Plan

This enables staff to summarise key information explaining a resident's after-hours care plans, for quick and simple reference during an emergency.

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Family Factsheet

This is a fact sheet that informs family members and carers of RACH residents about:

  • What happens if someone falls ill at night, or on the weekend.
  • What families can do to help.
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Implementation Support

For more information and support with implementing this Toolkit, contact

Email us

How to use the Toolkit

This video has been developed for RACH after-hours staff. It explains the toolkit and how it can be used in RACHs.

Victorian Virtual Emergency Department: Using VVED for Residential Aged Care Homes

Further training

If you would like further training on the After-hours Toolkit, we can offer onsite or virtual sessions for you and your clinical team. Contact us at with your preferred time of day (allow 1 hour) and we will respond with available dates to meet your needs.

Aged Care After-Hours Toolkit

Additional after-hours resources

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