The following is a list of resources for health professionals and refugee and asylum seekers to help access healthcare in the community, including after-hours. It’s also a good place to start if you’d like to increase your understanding of refugee and asylum seeker experiences.

Support for people affected by the crisis in the Middle East

Please be aware that due to current global events, there may be an increase in the number of refugees arriving in Australia. SEMPHN is collaborating to provide primary care support for these individuals. You can access additional resources on this page to offer assistance.

If you have non-Medicare patients without health insurance, please refer them to Monash Health Refugee Health and Wellbeing. In addition, PPCC clinics are available and ready to provide medical care to refugees without Medicare cards for urgent non-emergency health issues.

Monash Health Refugee Health and Wellbeing provides a range of services for refugee and asylum seeker communities in our catchment. The website is a great source of information for health professionals.

Victorian Refugee Health Network

Victorian Refugee Health Network is a resource for connecting refugee and asylum seeker community members to culturally appropriate services and cultural organisations. The Victorian Refugee Health Network works to develop responsive health service systems that meet the needs of people from refugee backgrounds, including asylum seekers. There are useful information sheets and clinical links and reports, including Talking about health and experiences of using health services for people from refugee backgrounds.

Healthcare for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (brochures available in five languages)

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