My Aged Care is the national contact centre for Commonwealth-funded aged care services. Health professionals are required to use this portal for referral for assessment and services.

Referral Flow chart for GPs

A quick overview of how to make a patient referral for aged care services.

Make a Referral webform 

The Make a Referral webform is easy to use and includes:

  • successful transmission confirmation
  • a unique identifier issued for follow up if required
  • ability to save/print PDF
  • completed referral is fast-tracked directly to an assessment agency
  • ability to ‘remember’ you for subsequent referrals.


e-Referral from your general practice software is the quickest and easiest way to refer (available in Best Practice, MedicalDirector, and Genie).

Go to the HealthLink referred services tab and select ‘My Aged Care Referral’ to launch the e-Referral form. 

Urgent referrals

Do not use the webform for urgent service access, contact the service provider directly. If you do not know of the right service provider, you can find a provider or call 1800 200 422.

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