In March 2021 the Victorian Department of Health put out a health alert in response to a sustained upsurge in syphilis notifications in heterosexuals of reproductive age and recommended more frequent syphilis screening of pregnant women to eliminate congenital syphilis.

To help curb the outbreak of this and other sexually transmitted infections, the Victorian Government has thrown its support behind the Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training and Learning (VHHITAL) program.

This has resulted in 3 introductory training videos with the aim to make sexual health part of routine everyday practice. VHHITAL’s new videos provide an overview of diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common STIs for primary care providers, before undertaking a 2-hour RACGP accredited VHHITAL training course on a syndromic approach to STIs.

Victoria's Department of Health has also released a Syphilis quarterly surveillance report to present data on syphilis.

Upcoming VHITTAL education

View our events calendar or visit the Statewide BBV/STI calendar to search for upcoming events and education opportunities

Watch the videos

Getting to know gonorrhoea in general practice – VHHITAL (10:12)
Getting to know chlamydia and Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) in general practice – VHHITAL (14:45)
Getting to know congenital syphilis in general practice – VHHITAL (10:47)
Congenital syphilis: responding to the Victorian Chief Health Officer Alert (3:23)
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