Find information for health professionals including clinical guidance resources and information about infection control or prevention.

COVID-19 vaccination advice for vaccine providers: The Australian Government Department of Health has developed resources and information relating to COVID-19 vaccination for vaccine providers.

Updates from the Chief Health Officer

The Victorian Department of Health provides regular updates and news relating to COVID-19 cases.

COVID-19 Clinical Guidance

Discover resources about treating COVID-19 positive patients. 

COVID homebound vaccination referrals

Are any of your homebound patients in need of a COVID-19 vaccination? Use this referral form to SEMPHN's Homebound Vaccination program

General Practice COVID-19 Vaccination Hubs

GP Vaccination Hubs are providing assistance to vulnerable individuals to get easier access to Covid-19 Vaccinations in their local areas.

COVID-19 Vaccine Promotional Resources

Promotional resources and information to help encourage COVID-19 vaccinations.

COVID-19 Provider Bulletins

These Bulletins provide you with regular updates and guidance on the COVID-19 Vaccine Program.

Services and resources on COVID-19

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