Providers can access the following services to support their delivery of culturally appropriate primary health care for Aboriginal people.
  • Better Health Network has an Indigenous Access and Equity Program team who provide cultural resources and act as a contact point for First Nations peoples seeking services.
  • Bunjilwarra is a Koori youth alcohol and drug healing service, located on the Mornington Peninsula, for those people who are drug-free and ready to address addiction management goals.
  • Dandenong and District Aborigines Co-operative Ltd. (DDACL), including the Bunurong Health Service, is the key local Aboriginal Controlled health organisation. DDACL has a range of specialised services and programs for the Aboriginal community.
  • First People’s Health and Wellbeing provides services that help meet the health and wellbeing needs of Australian First Peoples, including mental health and AOD related services.  
  • Ngwala Willumbong is also a local Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation. Ngwala Willumbong delivers alcohol and drug residential rehabilitation and outreach support services.
  • Taskforce offers a First People's Healing Program supporting individuals and their immedicate family around concerns related to Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) misuse. The program is available across Frankston and Mornington Peninsula areas.
  • 13 YARN - Speak to a trained Crisis Supporter over the phone (24/7)
  • Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS) - Djirra provides services across Victoria with offices in metropolitan and regional areas. Djirra will provide both telephone and face to face legal and non-legal support to Aboriginal people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence.
  • Brother to Brother Crisis Line - 24/7 Crisis line for Aboriginal men
  • Dardi Munwurro - For First Peoples men and youth worried about their behaviour. This program delivers a range of family violence, healing and behaviour change programs and services to Aboriginal men and youth.
  • Djirra - Provides culturally safe and holistic support, and specialist family violence legal assistance and representation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by family violence and sexual assault.
  • Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women's Services - Aboriginal women's services - Offers a culturally safe service, holistic family violence support, housing, financial difficulties, Child Protection concerns and school matters.
  • South East Care Pathways -
  • Starhealth - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Alcohol & other Drugs & Wellbeing Services.
  • VACCA - The lead Aboriginal child and family welfare organisation in Victoria. Provides support, outreach, information and confidential advice.
  • Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (ATSI) - As well as providing a variety of medical services, VAHS is committed to supporting the well-being of the community through contributions to community events and activities.
  • Village 21 - Provides accommodation combined with wrap around supports, Village 21 will assist at-risk young Aboriginal people aged 18-21 years who are leaving Out of Home Care (OOHC).

Aboriginal Health Liaisons and services exist within the local health networks:

Aboriginal gathering places strengthen communities through sharing cultural heritage, and participation in health, recreation and social activities. They are also a resource for the broader Australian community to learn and connect. Gathering places are established in HastingsFrankstonDoveton and Mordialloc.

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