Innovation and system reform is one of SEMPHN’s five Strategic Pillars in our Path to Impact 2023-2028. As part of this pillar, we are committed to:
  • playing a purposeful, influential, and innovative role in local and regional health service reform and integration.  
  • partnering with health and government agencies to find innovative solutions for health system integration and reform.  
  • improving integration, innovation, and coordination across the health system.  

Represented by the PHN Cooperative, PHNs feature prominently in the National Health Reform Agenda including the Primary Health Reform Steering Group’s 20 Draft Recommendations to inform the National 10 Year Primary Health Care Plan and the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Report into Mental Health. 

PHNs are closely involved with Strengthening Medicare initiatives as outlined in the 2023/24 Federal Budget. This includes MyMedicare.

To strengthen engagement between the Primary Health Networks and the Allied Health sector, the PHN Co-operative launched the National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework (The Framework) and case studies in late 2022. This serves as a roadmap for increased and collaborative ways of working. 

Allied Health Peak Bodies and practitioners, State/Territory and Federal government and PHNs all played a crucial role in shaping the development of the Framework.  This input will inform future engagement strategies to support allied health contributions to consumer and community outcomes. 

A framework developed to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and experiences for multicultural communities across all Primary Health Networks (PHN) regions.

The framework was developed by the PHN Multicultural Health Framework Working Group and the National PHN Cultural Diversity Community of Practice. 

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