From 1 July 2016, as directed from the Commonwealth Government, Primary Health Networks (PHNs) moved from delivering health services directly to the community, to delivering health services through a commissioning framework. Commissioning refers to the strategic purchasing, monitoring and evaluation of health and related services.

 Commissioning decisions are informed by:

Population health analysis

Evidence review

Service mapping

SEMPHN’s commissioning cycle

As the figure below indicates, SEMPHN’s commissioning cycle involves five key stages.

  • 1. Assessing needs and priorities

    The commissioning process begins with determining the needs and priorities of the SEMPHN catchment, which is informed by:

    • an analysis of population health data
    • review of literature and evidence
    • service mapping and/or
    • stakeholder consultation.
  • 2. Strategic planning and specifying services

    Once the needs and priorities are identified, SEMPHN uses the data to determine the types of services to be commissioned, with a view of the proposed outcomes. The type of services to be commissioned will determine the approach to market and the target audience.

  • 3. Contracting and procurement

    In this stage, SEMPHN approaches the market through a structured, measured approach. 

    SEMPHN advertises requests for tender or proposals via eProcureOnce registered, you must log in and create a password. You must login once every 12 months to continue to receive tender opportunity email notifications from eProcure.

    eProcure outlines the scope, guidelines and assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate applications. The use of eProcure ensures that all services procured by SEMPHN have undergone a fair and transparent process.

    Once the approach to market closes, in most cases, the application is assessed by an Evaluation Panel comprising of SEMPHN and external representatives with relevant expertise and knowledge in the industry. If necessary, shortlisted candidates are reviewed by the Evaluation Panel to determine the final outcome.

    The successful applicants then participate in a contract negotiation process. SEMPHN works collaboratively with the preferred providers to develop a Contractor Project/Evaluation Plan that forms the basis of the contract between SEMPHN and the Provider.

  • 4. Monitoring and managing performance

    The Contractor Project/Evaluation Plan indicates the anticipated outcomes of the commissioned services. SEMPHN works closely with the Provider(s) to identify performance indicators that will be used to measure the intended outputs and outcomes. Once the contract has been executed between SEMPHN and the Provider, the Provider needs to provide data/progress reports addressing the agreed outputs/outcomes at a frequency specified in the contract.

  • 5. Reviewing services

    SEMPHN’s commissioning cycle ends with the review of the procured services to determine whether the anticipated outcomes/outputs have been achieved.  The identified opportunities and challenges guide the procurement of future services.

Register to SEMPHN's eProcure

Once registered, you need to login and create a password. You must login once every 12 months to continue to receive tender opportunity email notifications from eProcure.

Contact the commissioning team

For general questions about tenders, please email or call 1300 331 981, then select Option 2 (Commissioning and Tendering or Contract Management).

Please note: SEMPHN cannot provide individual information relating to specific tender/commissioning opportunities. All questions specific to a particular tender/commissioning opportunity must be asked through SEMPHN’s eProcure

Contract management

SEMPHN uses Folio to manage all contracts to better support our providers.

Folio lets you:

  • view checklists (reports) related to your current contracts 
  • upload reports, invoices, credentials and any other requirements or deliverables.

When your contract is executed, you will receive a welcome email with a link that’s active for 72 hours. Once you activate the link, you can change your password details and you’re set to go.

From time to time, dependent on your contract deliverables, you will receive email reminders to complete tasks in Folio. 

Folio walkthroughs

Vendor onboarding and data management

SEMPHN uses eftsure for the set-up and management of vendor data. 

The system is robust and recognised for protecting vendor payments against fraud and error to ensure payments are made to the intended recipient.

All vendors are required to provide this information, which is critical to conducting business and getting payment from SEMPHN.

As part of the onboarding process, you will receive a welcome email with a link to the eftsure portal asking you to register your details as a new vendor, including your:

  • ABN
  • company name
  • address
  • phone number
  • bank account details.
  • Other information/documents that may be required. 

After you have registered your details you will receive an email with a reference number. You will then receive a call from an eftsure team member (usually within 24-48 hours) to verify that the details are correct. The team member will quote the reference number to verify it is eftsure calling on SEMPHN’s behalf. You will receive a confirmation email when your data has been verified.

If your details change you will need to contact and we will send you an 'eftsure change request' link via email.

It is your responsibility to ensure your details are up to date. Please notify immediately if your details change, or if you notice any discrepancies.

For eftsure technical support, phone: 1300 985 976.

For more information

For more information relating to Folio, email: 

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