RESET LIFE is an intensive outpatient psycho-education program for the recovery of substance use disorders.
Funded by SEMPHN, ResetLife is an intensive outpatient Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) treatment program, based on the evidence-based Matrix Treatment Model, for people in South Eastern Melbourne.

It involves 16 weeks of structured, intensive outpatient treatment, followed by 36 weeks of continuing care. During the intensive phase, clients attend formal treatment three days per week and informal treatment the other days. The formal treatment consists of:

  • individual and conjoint therapy sessions
  • early recovery skills groups
  • relapse prevention groups
  • family education groups (adult program)
  • youth education (youth program)
  • continuing care social support groups (youth and adult programs)
  • weekly mandatory (random) urine/saliva and breath testing (to inform treatment only, not used to exit people from program).

Evening and weekend sessions may be available, which means that people can continue to work, study and live at home while they’re participating in treatment.

There is no cost for participants, but eligibility criteria applies.

  • Who is ResetLife for?


    • are 18 years and over
    • have a severe substance use disorder
    • live or work in South Eastern Melbourne
    • have basic English literacy (able to read, write and speak in English).


    • are aged 11-25 years
    • live, work or study in South Eastern Melbourne
    • are experimenting with alcohol or other drugs, or who have developed a mild, moderate, or severe substance use disorder

    Further eligibility includes:

    • if drug of concern is methamphetamines, opiates, alcohol, and/or benzodiazepines, the client must have undergone withdrawal from the substance, with last use more than two weeks prior to program commencement
    • willingness to pursue abstinence from all substances
    • agreement to weekly drug testing
    • commitment to attend the program three times/week, on time, for 16 weeks
    • willingness to discuss drug and alcohol use
    • willingness to involve key support people in their treatment.

    People may not be able to participate, or remain in, in the ResetLife program if they:

    • have a current corrections order, or are on parole or bail
    • require detox and/or pharmacotherapy for stabilisation/maintenance
    • have a cognitive impairment that may disrupt group discussion
    • demonstrate hostile, bullying, threatening or belittling behaviour or make threats/ gestures of harm to self or others.
  • Who can refer to ResetLife?

    Referrals can be made by anyone including GPs and other primary health providers, social services, other organisations and self-referral. Consent is needed for clients to receive services.

  • How can I refer?

    Windana (Cranbourne, Moorabbin, Frankston): or 03 9532 0811

    First Step (St Kilda):

    Peninsula Health (Frankston): 1300 665 781 (FAMDAS line)

    Download our GP and health professional brochure about ResetLife.

    ResetLife and SEMPHN Access & Referral do not provide after-hours or emergency AOD advice or support. In case of emergency, call 000.

SEMPHN commissions the following organisations to deliver ResetLife:

  • First Step — St Kilda
  • Peninsula Health — Frankston (Adult)
  • Windana — Cranbourne (Adult), Moorabbin (Youth) and Frankston (Youth)

If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s alcohol or other drug use, contact the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015 or visit

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