Putting consumers at the centre: new combined treatment service for people with AOD disorders & mental illness

February 17, 2023

SEMPHN is pleased to announce EACH as the successful tenderer to deliver a new, integrated service for people diagnosed with two co-occurring conditions: a substance misuse disorder and a moderate-to-severe mental health condition.

The integrated treatment service model will be delivered from Cranbourne, and open to eligible people and their families from the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Casey and Cardinia.

About the service

This research-proven service model is being offered in response to our Needs Assessment, findings from the National and State Mental Health Commissions and feedback from local community members and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service provider consultations conducted by SEMPHN over the last two years. 

The consultations revealed a need for more services that can treat co-morbidities (the presence of two or more conditions at once) and simplify service entry for community members. Typically, mental health conditions and substance use disorders are treated separately, greatly increasing the burden for consumers and their carers’ seeking treatment. 

This service aims to reduce this burden, as participants of the service will receive treatment for substance use disorders and mental health conditions from the same practitioner or treatment team, at no-cost

The service will partner with existing services such as the SEMPHN-funded Mental Health Integrated Complex Care (MHICC) and Accessible Psychological Intervention (API) programs and other community health services. 

Who is eligible for this service?

The service will prioritise the service for people who match all of the following criteria:

  • live, work, or study in Casey or Cardinia LGAs
  • have been diagnosed with a co-occurring substance use disorder and moderate-to-severe mental health condition
  • may not otherwise be able to access treatment
  • have one or more of the following:
  • experiencing homelessness or housing instability
  • are unemployed
  • have a culturally and linguistically diverse background
  • identify as LGBTIQA+
  • identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • have a chronic health condition
  • experiencing social isolation.

The service will open for referrals in March 2023. 

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